The Performance family of pin electronics supports an array of voltage vs. frequency applications with one common platform across all products in the family.
PE230: +7V / -2V; 800 Mb/s
PE180: +5V / -2V, 2.0 Gb/s
PE131: +3.5V / -0.5V; 3.2 Gb/s
The commonality across all 4 products means that once one instrument is completed, it is extremely fast, easy and inexpensive to develop an additional instrument with different speed and voltage capability simply by switching PE chips.
After the first instrument, much of the design, layout and software is already completed for the next instrument. The FPGA interface and software programming are already done. And the feature set remains consistent from instrument to instrument.
The Performance Pin Electronics family makes the PE solution modular, with a common footprint and software to easily support multiple different instruments.
The Low-Power Pin Electronics family contains the PE70 and PE77 – two highly-integrated, low-power octal PE chips with a common:
1) Package
2) Pinout
3) Feature set
4) Serial port interface
5) Register allocation.
These two chips support two independent digital instruments:
1) PE70: 1 Gb/s / 5V
2) PE77: 500 Mb/s / 5V / +15V Super Voltage
With one basic PCB design.